E-commerce Strategy


The ICEBAR LONDON is an award winning venue made out of real ice based in London and many other major capitals of the World. It belongs to the prestigious Ice Hotel Group. With this client, several goals needed to be achieved.

First of all increase bookings and brand awareness for their restaurant in London, taking into account seasonality and crucial dates such as Christmas, New Year's Eve, Mothers Day and Valentine.

Secondly, boost the number of enquiries for corporate events, corporate entertainment, venue hire and party bookings.


Goal 1
Increase bookings and brand awareness for the new restaurant.

Analysing the search data for the restaurant market showed that it is split in 4 main categories: Top restaurant search, generic restaurant search, lunchtime restaurant search and seasonal activity (NYE/ Xmas etc.). In order to make sure that the restaurant achieved fast and time-sensitive coverage we set up keyword campaigns on Google (Sponsored Listings), appropriately split in different ad groups. This instantly and significantly raised booking numbers through targeted clicks. Brand keywords campaigns showed us that this campaign had an impact on brand interest generated on-line as well.

Goal 2
Boost the number of enquiries for corporate events, corporate entertainment, venue hire and party bookings

The strategy for this 2nd market was a lot more complex. Competition is fierce for the Corporate/ Venue hire/ Party sectors so we carried out a significant amount of keyword and ad copy testing on Google to then concentrate on the right strategy. Time of the day targeting was used to focus on UK traffic only and avoid wastage as well as other specific keyword targeting. Google text ads were a great starting point for this campaign as they enabled us to learn about the event industry booking patterns and customers' requirements such as what services they are interested in specifically. We were then able to mirror the campaigns on other search engines starting on a good base, and undertake an SEO strategy using keywords that we knew would be ideal for the brand and the venue.


Before calling ClickJump, our campaigns did not really give us the results we were after. However this all changed when they re-structured our activity and reviewed our on-line strategy, which ended up being a lot more cost-effective. Using various channels and web marketing vehicles enabled us to get really good returns. Jason Graham - Director